Thursday, March 30, 2006

SiTTiNg, WisHiNg, WaiTiNg

Kalo denger lagu itu, Sitting, Wishing, Waiting -Jack Johnson-... iya bener, asik banget... tapi bego bgt juga ga sih??? Kemaren pas siaran sempet yg ngebahas dikit, dan ada Cuwie yg ngesms bilang, "chi, kalo cuma duduk, ngarep dan nunggu kapan majunya coba?? ga meaning bgt wishingnya..." Yaaa, i think Cuwie is right!!! But sometimes u just could do those things when (u think) the hope is lost... and is that stupid???
Btw, just wanna write something before the survey season coming. I’ll be away for a week to Probolinggo…huhu, prolly I would hate spending my bzday in that town. Mana saya kan pake flexy gitu yah… absolutely there will be no tone ringing for messages or phone calls from mom, dad, sisters or my bro… telling me my own wishes list and hoping so much I could reach all of that. But, let’s hope I’ll be okay. Hihihi…ngarep banget sih yah???

I always feel April 5th is special… Taun kemaren, semua orang memilih untuk ngasih buku. I don’t know… was it written on my forehead??? Tapi emang biasanya deket2 ultah gini, kalo lagi ngobrol2… suka digembar-gemborin… “iihh, pengen buku ini nih.. resensinya bagus”.. huhu, pasti ntar dibeliin de.*tips nih buat yg mau ultah dan ngarep… ^_^

One thing funny is I got this book which I’ve already owned, and this person was special actually. Sedikit mubazir kalo punya dua…so, I give the old one to a special person too. Well, special persons don’t always come up.. and we lost them sometimes, maybe to have another special one.. *let’s hope again!!

I think my time has come to another changes…
Tho’ I need to see my past… where I belong

Something inside me is breaking
Something inside says there's somewhere better than this...
Sunset sailing on April skies
Bloodshot fire clouds in my eyes
I can't say what I might believe
But if God made you he's in love with me… *loh???
(ini lagunya Five For Fighting loh…)

Do wishes count at all… Amien…
HE’ll gimmi a sign.. HE’ll gimmi anything I won’t tell a soul
HE’ll hold me when I sleep…
Tapi kok susah yah?? Biasanya manusia (saya) baru mencari-NYA when the tide is high…

Wish me faith in every moments though it seems stupid and foolish to have it..
Wish me moments of blissful solitude and yummy community and self intimacy in doses that feel best

April always gives me spirits. Count the days… April 5th will be coming soon!!! Yooohooo… and by the way, Happy Bzday for all April people out there. What I wish for my self is what I wish for you too.

PS: Eh, bukunya Umberto Eco yg The Name of the Rose kok mahal banget yah??:p… *let’s hope again!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Huaaa…kangen berat!!! Padahal mama baru aja berkunjung ke sini, tapi secara cuma bentar… karna emang nyampe sabtu pagi dan langsung pulang lagi minggu pagi, huhuhu… kangennya malah makin berasa. The seconds after mom departure was a suffering periods, hiks… (The suffering – Coheed and Cambria). Padahal uda sering aja ditinggalin, but I have no reason why de heck I always feel sooo left-out whenever I have to face this departure-situation. Sopratutto con le persone speciale, like mom.. famz, gud friends… ( Where’d U Go – Fort Minor). Kayaknya lebih lega aja kalo MENINGGALKAN… daripada DITINGGALKAN (katanya ini ciri-ciri orang egosentris…iya gituh??).

Where’d u go…
I miss u so…
Since like it has been forever…
That u’ve been gone…
(ganti… Since u’ve been gone – Kelly Clarkson)
Kalo lagi ngerasa gini nih… I just wish to take the first flight home and be with them right away (I Will Fly – Ten2Five), dan ntar kan saya yg ninggalin… jadi ga terlalu kangen, hehe… would it be a perfect situation?? (Perfect Situation – Weezer).
Btw, walopun cuma semalem… mama berhasil diajak gosip ampe malem, hwehehe. One of the news… Dyan uda kurus, adekkuww tercwintah itu kan tadinya 60 kg. Nah, sekarang dia less-weight sebanyak 8 kg saja yaaahhh… mata gw langsung terbelalak, karna itu bearti beratnya cuma 52 kilo. Itu kan beberapa kilo aja sama body-mass saya sekarang??? Dan sodara2… tinggi saya cuma 159 gituh dan Dyan 170. But the lesson is… walopun sedih2 ditinggal mama, pagi itu sebelom siaran… jam 5 pagi saya uda mulai joging lagi keliling Ijen. Terinspirasi… (^_^)

Trus.. trus… siangan, sempet yg jalan2 nemenin mama dan kita ke Matos. Jadilah, kita ngeliat baju anak2 tiga biji. Pilihannya… Spiderman, Power Rangers dan Superman. Secara pengen ngasih oleh-oleh ke ponakan, jadi aja berenti disitu. Mama bilangnya dia suka Power Rangers… huhu, naakkkk… rendah sekali seleramuw!!! Jadinya kita beliin Superman, biar ga norak2 amat… masa lawan musuh rame2 sih?? Kan lebih jago kalo sendirian…^_^ --> tidak mengajarkan kebersamaan!!! Aslinya sih karna warnanya Power Rangers bulek gitu dan bahannya ga nyerep keringet…

Ini Ariel… yg kiri adalah dia kalo antinya (baca: auntie, huhu…sok bule tuh si Dyan) lagi gila. Tapi foto ini adalah penghibur hati kalo lg stress, pasti lgsg ngakak2 de… sama Bintang tuh, dia juga doyan sama foto ini. Teyusss..yg kanan, Ariel sama uminya… kakakkuuwww cinta, Mela.

Friday, March 10, 2006

DaRK....or WHaT???

Huhu.... keknya yg banyak gitu ngomenin kenapa templatenya jadi gelap begini. Baru aja... mas Arief (sebelah gw ini nihh sekarang..) ngomel lagi, "Chi, itu bekgron gelap gitu nape?? Cewe kan biasanya suka warna biru...ato pink gituh. Ganti Chi, kesannya ga enak...".
Well, iyakah?? Is Black look that bad??? Honestly, i don't feel that bad these days. All are okay, eventho' things don't always seem that good also. Tapi bener2 balance loh... Days ago (approximately these past 15 days lah..), saya dapet income lumayan lah. Gaji siaran 2 bulan (karna sengaja ga ngambil bulan lalu) trus ceperan ngemsi Creativity Weeknya British Council
--> intinya... lumayan. Tapi... tapi...sodara2, maksudnya kan mw nabung dikit2 buat beli hape yg ilang tuh trus ama printer saya dirumah yg kalo dibenerin lebih mahal daripada beli baru. Yasudlah... ditambah mama emang msh aja jd supporting system paling ouwkeih..^_^ Ugghhh... ternyata nambah aja lagi list barang2 ilang, selaen hape K500i-kuw tercwintah itu... kemaren flash disk-kuw juga ikutan kecolongan di warnet (aslinya sih kelupaan..), trus belom little things seperti celana jeans 2 biji gara-gara ngejemurnya malem2 trus diambil maling gebleg.. plus kemeja baru...huhu.......apesssss!!! Yah, begitu de... akhirnya it seems like penerimaan bakalan selalu diikuti dengan pengeluaran. Kalo ibaratnya pemerintah... kalo subsidi pendidikan dibanyakin, subsidi BBM yg diturunin. Biar balance... huhuhuhu........ I hate this balancing stuff kalo menimpanya ga enak ginih. Baydeweiy... mungkin ini juga ngingetin kalo selama ini kurang beramal kali yaaahhh........
Eniwey, I read some stuff about black-colour... dan yg keluar ini nih.....
The meanings for the color black and the feelings it evokes:
Death, Morbid, Dramatic, Elegant, Intimidating, Fright, Uncertainty, Aloof, Powerful, Stunning, Fatigue, Wordly, Mystery, Sophisticated, Cold, Slimming, Solid, Finality, Enclosing, Bereavement, Dark. selalu identically misterious kan yah, karna emang HITAM ternyata powerful enough untuk menghapus warna2 laennya. Tapi whatever things about black..... it's not my fave colour anyway, I'm just in the mood with all black-stuff these days. Mungkin juga karna nonton Hotel Rwanda and touched by it... Negros... mungkin juga karna lagi pengen dibilang intimidating....huhuhu...... mungkin juga karna kalo pke baju item jadi keliatan langsing, maybe just becuz I believe the old Irish traditional song....
Black is the colour of my tur love's hair.... hehehe...... which mean dapat dipastikan i want a husband with sexy black hair.... :D His face is like some rosy fair, The prettiest face and the neatest hands.......apa sih???? ngayal sayaahahahahaha.......
Gud Nite.... connect soon...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

BiNtaNg + iCHi...

BiaR aDa FoToNyaaa.....^_^