Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why oh why.... i DO feel disappointed everytime I see movies adapted from novels. The more amazing the novel, the worst is the movie.... huh, KECEWA deeee!! Too much expectation, prolly??? Uhmm... bukannya emang mereka harus bikin film bagus untuk novel yg emang bagus ituh??
I wrote about GIE before... berulang lagi pas nonton MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA, lagi-lagi...terakhir THE DA VINCI CODE. Belom ada film based on book yg sehebat Godfather dan Alpacinonya. Paling ga, ada film keren macemnya trilogi Lord of The Ring yg ga banting2 amat sama novelnya. Emang ga mungkin menterjemahkan buku yang bisa jadi sampe ratusan halaman ke dalam film berdurasi paling lama hanya 3 jam. Walopun katanya film punya kelebihan bisa ngeliatin secara visual, tapi sepertinya... I enjoy more to visualize the story described from the book. Kecuali untuk pemandangan London dan Paris dengan Louvre-nya yg sangat indah itu...
Famed symbologist Professor Robert Langdon is called to the Louvre museum one night where a curator has been murdered, leaving behind a mysterious trail of symbols and clues. With his own survival at stake, Langdon, aided by the police cryptologist Sophie Neveu, unveils a series of stunning secrets hidden in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, all leading to a covert society dedicated to guarding an ancient secret that has remained hidden for 2000 years. The pair set off on a thrilling quest through Paris, London and Scotland, collecting clues as they desperately attempt to crack the code and reveal secrets that will shake the very foundations of mankind.
Nonton The Da Vinci Code minggu kemaren... JAUHHHH dari harapan bangeeedd. Mana kali ini saya uda yakin kalo Tom Hanks bener2 cihuy untuk perannya Robert Langdon. Di bukunya kan si Langdon ama Sophie Neveu keknya yang berjuang extra hard gituh untuk nge-crack code-nya. Tapi...tapi...kok di film keknya gampang sekali yahh?? Kayak yg bukan ahli simbol aja jadinya si Langdon.
Adegan yg kepotong... itu dia, dari awal aja uda beda....
1. Langdon ditemuin sama pesuruhnya Bezu Fache pas dia lagi launching buku the Sacre Feminine, padahal book versionnya adalah Langdon lagi tidur di kamar hotelnya.
2. Harusnya pas menuju ke swiss bank, Sophie ama Robert harus nyetir rada2 jauh dari kota... tapi keknya kok didalem kota yah settingnya waktu itu??
3. Pas nyari2 lokasi untuk nge-crack code terakhir dari kotak holy grail itu... versi bukunya adalah mereka harus mati2an nyari di perpus untuk akhirnya nemuin makam si Isaac Newton. Emang siy sempet yg usaha cari pake keywords di kompie perpus itu, tapi ga cuma minjem hape-nya org di dalem bis dan lgsg terpikirkan kayak di film... huhu...CUPU banget siy skenarionya???
Penyederhanaan untuk mempersingkat film?? I thought they made big project also for this one but Ron Howard didn't make it this time... Padahal saya ngefans abis sama hasil teamwork Ron Howard sama Tom Hanks di The Polar Express.. Anyway, i don't mean to say that this movie is that bad. Entertaining enough lah walopun subtitle-nya kurang jelas. Bintang yg belum baca bukunya seems interested enough kok. Dia yg terpesona betapa pinternya orang yg membuat cerita ini... yeah, Dan Brown is SUPER AWESOME!!!
I talked with mas Iwan yesterday and we thought... "yah, keknya kita nonton filmnya aja dulu baru baca bukunya yak...", hehe... kinda weird thought becuz u'll never know it'll come up in a movie or not, rite??