Sunday, July 30, 2006

FaNTaSTic FouR...

This is my turn....babe....

Four jobs I've had:
1. Private Teacher
2. Tenaga Kuli Project Tata Ruang :p
3. Announcer
4. Project Assistant *baru sekali doang ding... finally..

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. Love Actually
2. Someone Like U
3. Serendipity
4. Everything with Tom Hanks in it..for sure..

Four places I have lived in:
1. Banda Aceh
2. Melbourne, OZ
3. Sardegna, Italia
4. Bandung
It's five so... Malang then...

Four TV shows I love or loved:
1. Oprah Winfrew Show
2. Friends
3. Ceriwis...yooo wis...
4. Party Of Five

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Baliii... *not that good as people hyperbolic about huh....
2. Aceh..... it's a place for vacation now..
3. Rome....
4. Bandung.... lagi2 menjadi tempat liburan, akhirnya...

Four favorite dishes:
1. Le lasagne...
2. Martabak Aceh
3. Jajanan yg dipojokan Jalan Gajayana... *i don't know what it's called honestly...
4. Anything I eat as long as he's around... *haha, i can't even eat saking lezatnya...:p. That "he" gonna be a mysteri then...

Four websites I visit daily :
2. My Blog... lately
4. situs-situs beasiswa

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Home sweet home
2. Campo dei Fiori, Rome
3. Payung... *see stars and sparkling lights??
4. The place where my "trophy" stays...huhu...*khayal...

Four bloggers I'm tagging:
1. Endah *u'll respond, rite.. babe??
2. Tupang *loe kan pecinta gambar2 gwe di dunia maya punk..hahah. ayooo, teruskeun yak...
3. Bintang *lumayan bin... menghapus duka...
4. Rendi *suka tulis2 kan yah ren, daripada komen mulu...hehe...


At 5:33 PM, Blogger eNdaH said...

waa..nama ku no 1 nih. yakin bgt ya' aku bakal nerusin yg ginian..hehehe..=)
tp ga percuma naro nama ku plg atas. coz she know i'll never break my friend trust huh =D
twenks 4 d trust ci

At 12:18 PM, Blogger chie_ said...

i left comment ren..tapi blog elu suka error kalo kena sentuhan gw tuh...hehe,serius!!

At 5:00 PM, Blogger eNdaH said...

cie, aku mo protes jg nih. ke ga prnh lagi comment2 di blog aku.pelit kali =P

At 2:55 PM, Blogger tjahaju said...

ha3x, kmu kena juga nih ma "4 hal" ini.
thx for ur visit ^_^

ayoo non diutak/ik lagi blog-nya, minimal tambahin chat box dunk


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