Sunday, September 03, 2006

TORA --> Abso -fashion- lutely DANGEROUS!!!

Seneng bangeeuuddd... Makobu is back sama format rekwes yg 2-2 which means ga bingung lagi nyari2 lagu indo ^_^.
Another thing is.... aq AKHIRNYAAAAAAA ketemu sama TORA SUDIRO!!!!!! hweehehehe... In the same stage, cuma beda bayaran de keknya..hehe.. gwe ngemsi dan anak2 extravaganza jadi talent-artist gitu de. I was over-excited, luckily i didn't fell or got blacked out on the stage... forgot to downloaded the photos we made, so....prolly it'll be posted later... :p
Tora is soooo nice, and i think he looks more gorgeous off-TV. I sat right beside him... and we kinda have a short conversation begitu de. Uh well.... norak sekali yah kedengerannya?? Tapi aku senang sekaliiii....^_^. This is not the first time I met an actor, but meeting Tora is a different thing. It's just like a meeting with Tom Hanks or Tommy Tjokro sajah.... *three in love person i'd always wanna talk with....
Huh....pengen bermimpi..... dan pas pulang ternyata aq ketinggalan celana jeans tercintaaaa....... *jgn2 dibawa pulang Tora lagi....hwahahahahaha.......