Sunday, April 30, 2006

aLoNg aPRiL...

Ulang taun uda lewat… I spent a week at Probolinggo. Gile yah, tu kota ngga ada yang lebih panas lagi. Ampe skrg niy, uda pulang ampir sebulan juga msh tetep gosong. Kleeenngg that!!!
Anyway, as I could’ve guess.. no tones from any fam-member except Alif called me as the last person. Right in the middle of April 6th..dia dan kedua temen gilanya ituh.. Bimo+Viki, nyanyi2 acapella. That was sweet tho’!! Wohoho, dia pengen jd yg terakhir apa lupa yak sebenernya?? Well, wishes tidak lagi penting kok sebenernya.

Some of the things I loved most about April…2006:
- Touring in Probolinggo…huhuhu, tapi ga bohong de. Kapan lagi coba bisa keluar2 dari Malang gini?? Coming up… Lamongan dan Surabaya buat PKL-an. Hayyaahhh…kotanya ngga ada yg gaul ginih??

- Doing the SPK (Studio Perencanaan Kota).. especially the talking with Anshor+Dina. Kalo ini mah, sambil berusaha menganalisis pola pemanfaatan ruang, gosip Mayangsari ama BTH juga jalan…:p

- Laughing with my best friend Aan…

- Going to Rainier’s shop… yahooo, thank’s God de body spray yg kemaren uda abis. Jadi bisa beli2 lagi disini… and I kinda like the smell of cytrus right now. Saking cintanya aku sama bau ini skrg jd doyan nyium2in ketek sendiri…hehe. So… gud bye to that mild-smell kinda thing…

- Seing the concert of TRISUM and loving TOHPATI’s performance.

- Hanging out and deepening my relationship with my closest friends. Satu hal yg aku rada2 sebel sama temen2 deket disini adalah mereka susah bgt buat diajak karOKEan, yah..meskipun ntar bakalan jadi karANCURan. Nyanyi2 cuma buat fun toh???Tapi suka susaaaaahhhh ngajaknyaaa…

- Re-reading To Kill a Mocking Bird… secara novelnya ini rada susah bahasanya. Jadi skrg aku bikin program stabilolisasi untuk hard vocabs dan lumayan kalo nulis curhatan pake basa inggris jd seneng bacanya banyak vocab baru…:p

- Talking on the phone with my nephew… good to hear that he missed me. Cuma gara2 dia baru dimarahin nyokapnya… haha…

- Receiving lotsa surprises as April gifts… Definitely touched by that in the middle of the night awakening to see a watermelon with 21 fireworks on it…(sumpah, itu idenya lucu banget. Bisa gitu inget kalo aku lagi ngidem semangka). Then a t-shirt with my face sticking on it…wohoho, tau bgt niy klo yg dikasih narsis abeesss. A bouquet of flowers from anonym… aslinya ga doyan2 bgt sama bunga (kecuali kalo ngasihnya pake pot gituh), but this is the first flower gift loh… jadi seneng juga walopun ga tau dari siapa. And I was busy looking after a vas, tapi apa boleh baut de… by now bunganya yg tadi pinky jadi berwarna ungu… trus aku koleksi mug de skrg, dr yg warnanya kosmonita ampe merchandise british council ada tu dirumah. Kalo minum ampe kenyang…

- The song SO SICKnya Ne Yo… I’m singing this all the time de. Saing2an sama dangdutannya Mulan di Sedang Ingin Bercinta-nya Dewa…

- Ngeliput LA Lights Streetball dengan the-affascinating-PAUL tercinta as the MC… I am flattered really… dan melihat gaya dia yg sumpah asik beuuttt, dan ternyata setelah aku pikir2 suaranya mirip bgt sama orang yg gantengnya juga sama kayak dia…hohoho…apa sih chi?? Kecuali basa inggrisnya si Paul mah level Eminem, kalo masuk EF uda lulus kali…hehe. Wah..wah..PAUL..PAUL..Best MC of all time de tu orang. Believe it or not, this my first knee-shaking ngeliatin cowo…hahaha… too bad he’s officially married gituw yaaa. Ato seengganya kata Wawing dia pasti uda pernah kawin…hehe…

- Serving each day, by supporting or comforting or offering some form of love. But I know I can be an ass-hole and sometimes (without realizing it), I’m offering that form too much so that suddenly when things go “messy”… I’ve washed my hands clean of this. Ooo yeah, I think I should overlooked this supposed crime..
- Unforgettable on-air experience... siaran di Cikarnya Makobu pas Malang Kembali. I swear it was awesome...

- Paling penting --> Simplifying my life by getting rid of 'stuff’.