Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Apa SajaLah Haiiii....


It’s Tuesday nite babe… abis siaran Take Out tadi siang.. tapi secara Makobu skrg ber-format 2-1 (2 indo dan 1 manca), I'm a bit lazy gituh muterin lagu2nya…beneran de, bukannya ga semangat nasionalis. Honestly stok lagu indo-kuwh termasuk parah banget… jadi yg direquest bungkus de, the rest paling2 keluarnya Malique lagi…Ecoutez lagi…Ada Band lagi…Sore…Glenn lagi… dan kalo uda yg macem2nya band jaman skrg… whatever… Ungu, Naff, Samson, Kerispatih, à weeee…MALES CING!!! Jadilah, siap2 keluar studio kalo ada yg request such a song… ato aku foto2 dunk..hehe…dan sodara2 tadi ada META -->penyanyi baru yg ga tau de uda emak2 tapi doyannya Britney Spears....but had to admit she's damn beautiful for a woman at her age...mulussssss....abisssss.... and I had to interview de, biasa lah...peres...peres..hehe....

And here I am listening to Joni Mitchell – Both Sides Now, trying to relax… berasa lagi harus slow down a bit… Somehow, I do feel the confort of….

I look that clouds from both sides now

from ups and downs..

still somehow …

I really don’t know life…

at all…

Long time no write… just wanna share few things I did…

Well…I kinda feel confuse about some stuff these days, but I think it’s getting clearer. Emang jalan yg terbaik itu adalah SOLAT!! Ga tau ini malah dikasih cobaan lagi ato emang jalannya, tapi yg pasti tiba2 yg “kabur” itu jadi sedikit jelas… walopun sebenernya susah sekali untuk menyadarkan diri kalo… this is the way for me. Susah sekali untuk ngelawan diri sendiri dari ego yang emang selangit ini.

Laporan Rencana uda selesey dan SPK uda berakhir… sets me free.Sooooo happy marryy wihhiiii... got A for Studio Perencanaan Kota-kuwh (SPK itu). Berasa ga rugi kerja rodi satu semesteran ini... dan IPK kedongkrak bgt, secara ini 4 sks gitu. Welcome to SPW de skrg… we’re busy with the concept and I’m dizzy with those agro-wisata ga penting, secara anak2 pengennya agro-industri. The good news bahwa semua matkul yg aku ulang nilainya alhamdulillah de, EWK (ekonomi wilayah dan kota) dapet B+ dan Peng.Transportasi dapet A saja…^_^

I just watched “Noel” last nite. Pretty cool with Robin Williams, Susan Sarandon, Penelope Cruz and that sexy *sluuurrrppp* Jake Gylenhaal on it. Uh yeah, miracle does exist!!

Met my ex… Yadi, and had really nice conversation. He still the same old Yadi with a little bit differences on how he manages his money now..hehe… mengingat gaya hidupnya yg tidak akan bisa saya ikuti itu :p. We talked a lot, some jokes about days ago, about his business…and I guess he found the right lady now.

Having superb time with bestfriends… gila-gila dan makan mulu. Sampe2 bikin procrast lagi niy, kerjaan LQ dan growth-share tertunda…hehe… okay anyway…he’s already back now…not so far away… to work.

Guess everybody have heard about the “butterfly effect”??--> of which I think a lot these days… a chaos theory dengan metafora kepakan sayap seekor rama-rama di hutan Amazon hari ini bisa memicu tornado yg bikin Manhattan ancur tahun depannya?? Kalo suka sama film Jurassic Park pasti pada tau de yg fictional mathematician disitu Ian Malcolm, used to explain the inherent instability of a habitat may cause danger. Ini juga yg kejadian sama dunia kita… kayak Amrik yg lagi kena gelombang panas gara2 lingkungan rusak. Ato one simple movie The Butterfly Effect-nya Ashton Kutcher or Sliding Doors-nya Gwyneth Paltrow?? Where the actions u take always have unintended consequences… even when u think about it deeply enough.. u guess!!

I mean… this butterfly effect thing, taught me the fact that what I do right now will affect things in the future.

Everything changed everything…

For want a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost

For want a horse, the rider was lost

For want of a rider, the battle was lost

For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost

Or in my case…

For want a “lover”, the “trophy” was lost…………ato sebaliknya de…hahahahaha…

Maybe if I hadn’t saw that hot looking stuff and had I slowed down a little to get a good look on how precious thing I have at that time. There could have been millions of reason… the story will never be the same. Huhu…what am I talking about?? Even ¼ of hours would prevent other differences.

Tapi ayah juga pernah bilang… waktu itu dalam konteks kita lagi ngomongin “planning” siy.

One setting may not work for another setting… There’s no one best setting…the important things is when u decide a choice, u know what’s best with all the risks…huhu…this is the hard part. I never hate taking risks but sometimes I couldn’t see which one best…

What I hope to explain here is how sensitive the future is on present (or past). How events that seem insignificant…will change what people will be in some years from now. Dan itu semua bikin aku jadi hati-hati (semoga ga over-carefull de) dalam berpikir, berkata, dan bertindak. Like I never could predict how they will affect me in the future… then, is it what u called DESTINY?? Or you’re really the one who decides that destiny?? * here’s the riddle…for you :p (kata Ondrasik… FIND THE ANSWERS THRU LIFE BABY…)