Friday, July 28, 2006


How I realize.... life without kompie is soooo harddd!!! Especially when u have to face up the

How I realize.... being a procrastinator is that badddd!!! Makanyaaa atuh jeung...kalo ada tasks
kerjakeunlah secepatnyaaa... :(

How I realize.... don't CRY because it's pethatic...SMILE becuz it happened... bwt apa susahhh?? (^_^)

Jadinyalah sodara... i'm here becuz no radio at home (the-onlyone-lovable-given-radio... dipinjem binz bwt reportase), tv...males...bosennn...gosipnya cuma Adjie-tak-begitu-ganteng-Pangestu doang (tapi aku lagi concern sama berita israel KURANG AJEEAAARRRR yg tidak berperikemanusiaan, absolutely i'm not into politic conversation...but for the innocent people and all the destruct infrastructures there in Libanon and Palestine....Allah Bless them, amienn...), kompie...lagi di service gara2 monitornya kaga bisa idup (semoga bukan feedbacknya...yg kalo iya means i hafta buy new one.... horeeee...ganti flat ahhh :p).

Buku....outta stock!! Sebenernya ga juga siy... i'm reading 7 kinds of smart punya si Amstrong gitu de, lumayan ngisi2 pertanyaan disitu... tapi kenapa kayanya saya over di word smartnya (kecerdasan linguistik) aja yah??sementara yg laennya rada2 bloon... *harus diasah makanya nak...keep on reading my book-->kata yg nulis buku :p...

Seminggu ini....i just finished reading....
1. Beauty Case.... hweehhhh, awas loh yaa kalo ada yg ngeledek..."hari gini??baru baca chi??". Emang baru dapet pinjeman aja soalnya... sesuai dengan principle of ichi's-book-buying, don't buy chicklits honey...semua orang punya, why not just rent them??^_^...
Bukunya minjem Yogi... sempet yg kaget kok cowo bacanya Icha Rahmanti?? Secara dia juga baca Cintapuccino gitu loh..hehe.. Well, reading this book is just like reading my own story... main actress-nya apalagi, gwe bangeeuuudd de... pokonya menyadarkan saya yg tidak seberapa ini... and yeah, i'm not that pretty but i'm not that ugly also... eventho' saya juga punya "trophy" yg pengen banget dikejar... most-wanted-thing-in-life... tapi kayanya emang trophy itu uda berasa jauh, dia juga uda ga pengen dikejar tampaknya...i'm so left behind..hehe... mungkin juga ini tiba2 jadi ambisi (or is it love actually??) just becuz i realized he is that perfect to be with someday... umhhh....

2. The Zahir.... KEREN ABIS!!! Tipikelnya si Paulo Coelho-kuw tercinta dee... sarat makna hidup and so inspiring. Keknya buku ini isi hatinya seorang Coelho banget dan benar sekali de kalo mau mencintai seseorang itu harus tulus...bener2 harus ngalahin ego... u need to love yourself first, to be confort of yourself...before u share it with anybody else... and me?? i'm not ready i think....saya masih jualan ikan...hehe...i am still that SELFISH!! Masih on the training to be a better person saja lah before it is time to love and to be loved.... and i'll be ready...*semoga dengan "trophy" idaman itu...^_^

3. Saman-nya Ayu Utami... maap yak klo ada yg mau menghina lagi.. ini juga ga sengaja gitu belinya. I was in the bookstore, nemenin temen nyari buku lobster...yg lagi getol2nya ternak hewan itu. Just suddenly my impulsive-buyer-thing come out dan ga enak kalo ga bawa pulang buku baru...:p, jadinyalah begitu. But this book is extraordinary de...terutama comparing sama penulis indo cewe lainnya... well, at least i think so de. I mean, i kinda like the way she writes daripada Fira Basuki, Djenar Maesa dll... but i'm not judging yah, since this is the only book of Ayu Utami that I read.. ( i'm ready with Larung right now though). Lagian tiap penulis kan bisa suka2 dia, all about style
and character bukan?? Tapi Ayu Utami banyak mesumnya.... *oo, pantes suka...:p

Udah...segitu doang, kalo mw baca buku seminggu lebih dari tiga.... i give up de..:p. Ku Tak Sangguuuppp...

Btw, kan liburan juga niy... i kinda have some spare time de, senangnyaa... walopun kadang emang yg harus lemburan, tapi ogni tanto de.. and i kinda have some new friends de bwt jalan2... just knew, but interesting friendship we got
over here...:p

Trus, another thing is I'M CLEANING MY HOUSE!!haha...ini surprise de bwt nyokap yg siang2 aku sms after the cleaning... i mean, bener2 beres2 yg ga cuma kamar doang gitu loh.
"Selamat...selamat... anak anda akhirnya beberes rumah... PS:Aku mencintaimu mam..."
and she called me right away...
"hah, kamu beres2 apa??alhamdulillah"... ya ampriittt, segitunya yak saking langkanya saya membersihkan rumah...hahah... tapi emang yg pas nyokap dateng 3 bulan lalu tu rumah emang kapal titanic dan beliow ga tau aja kalo seorang ichi mah sebenernya rajin2 aja tuh...:p. Kan lagi hectic atuh buuu...

Yasudlah, mau makan2 sama Nanda niy.... then heading to Soe-Hatta d5 lt.2 untuk Open Your Mind... guys, yg punya acara ato mw promosi profile institusi, whatever...Makobu ngasih gratis talkshow loh di Open Your Mind ini..... so, what r u waiting for?? *hahah, adlips gwe niy...

Take Care All...
Connect soon...........


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