Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy note……

Just wanna share things I enjoyed these days…
Fictions run…. Music blast…. Joys of sleep….

Impressed so much with “Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Yeah… it’s not new.
Many people would classify this story as the best book ever written. It's hard to disagree…. The main character is about the boy who follow his dream. The story flows so simple and I couldn’t find any meaningless paragraph. If you haven't yet read this book, I STRONGLY encourage you to. There are SO MANY things you can learn and apply to every day life. It’s recommended everywhere, I guess…

“Memoirs of a geisha” is another nice book. I found it awesome becoz there are lotsa things I didn’t know before… Japanese tradition and a little touch of its history. Love those things…. The same feeling when I read “The Da Vinci Code”, except that probably I’d find more surprises in Dan Brown off course. I’m reading a collaboration novel by the indonesians blogger… PUING..death-stuff… By the way, I used to like Gibran at high school… but wooohhh….. tried re-reading Risalah Cinta and found it boring… ngga tau yaaa…. Maybe I’m on ALL-ABOUT-LOVE-BORED Syndrome…haha… Saya juga lagi penasaran sama “To Kill a Mocking Bird”nya Harper Lee, tapi nyari belom nemu…. Anyone??? Punyakah???

Into music…. Selain lagi suka sama lagu yang ngesoul kayak “Every little bit of Hurts”nya Alicia Keys (bukan liriknya loh yaaa… the piano and Keys’ amazing soul when she sings that falls me down), John Mayer Trio and John Legend for sure…
Saya juga cinta LETTO!!!! Kemaren pas sempet yg talkshow sama anak2 The Rain pun, saya teteupp nanyain anak2 Letto…hehe… yah, siapa tau kenal gituh kan sama Jogjanya. Began on a rainy night with a can’t sleep syndrome, saya ikutan quiz yg hadiahnya CD Letto… hehehe…ternyata dapet!! Got the album, listened to every songs…. Sampai mati, sampai mati is less interested but all of ‘em are super duper… U should try “Truth, Cry and Lie”…”I’ll Find A Way”.... ga punya??? Request yah di radio Makobu The Fresh Channel….hahaha…promosi de gw… Letto ini my-life-talk juga, beside Alanis tentunya… kebetulan mungkin, tapi iya juga. Letto ini kan basa Italinya bisa “tidur” (camera da letto = kamar tidur) dan bisa juga baca (ho letto = saya udah baca). Another coincidence kalo saya emang suka dua hal ini…. Tiduran sambil baca…hehe…. I wonder the band philosophy, why the heck they named it that way???

Uh well… tidur saya emang rada parah liburan ini. Tidur jam 11an tapi bangunnya bisa jam 9 pagi… huhu, pemalesan!! Abis solat… langsung selamat tidur kembali de. Abis lari pagi juga saya bisa terlelap di depan TV sambil nonton berita….. makanya sekarang kalo lari pagi suka yang jauh biar pulangnya uda bener2 siang dan ngga boleh tidur. Uhm….There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for a sleep. (^_^)


At 4:15 PM, Blogger eNdaH said...

aku udah nonton memoir's of geisha ci. lumayan deh film nya....

At 11:54 PM, Blogger thebondan said...

yap sepakat alkemis na paulo coelho bgus bgt..!!!
thx bwat c yg dah mau minjemin...


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