Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hi all…

Just checking in as we approach official holiday time. Wishing you each the greatest of times with your family, friends or selves throughout this season.

This year starts in a weird way… don’t wanna be hopeless, but some unfortunate events are already written on my year’s first book. Last year was the same, u know… my life cycle (it’s still January..huhu), except that it’s becoming easier each year. Uhmm, maybe becuz I got used to it already.

Anyway, when I just take a few minutes to reflect and throw some personal goals out about the future… I get inspired by this happening… miss-decision making, cell-phone robbed, etc… yeah, I’ll be diving in and serve (not only for myself) the best. (^_^)

Okay… cukuplah sok bijaknya, ;p. Back to the holiday theme. Saya nganggur amat niy… bisa bangun siang, paling nunggu jam siaran trus beres2 rumah. Apart from it… saya emang jadi lebih rajin lari pagi dan rada jauhan gituh, pengen nyoba resep masakan enak, and I’m doing this orchid’s project… huhu… ga tau de berhasil apa engga. But it’s kinda fun tho’.. I find the clarity that leads to a great sense of peace and empowerment, haha… soalnya jadi mikirin banyak to-do-projects dalam rangka ngga nganggur. Read some books also, watch old-fave movies (Someone Like U… Love Actually… etc). Internally, even if I’m on my own… I feel surrounded by support and filled with gentleness and have some juicy time to enjoy on how awesome it is to be alive. Tentunya mencari kehidupan selain ngerjain tugas, merem-melek depan kompie, panas2an di jalan buat survey… before it is time to return again.

I have new friend coming in actually, and we talked a lot about journeys (adventures, books, life, projects, partners, anything...). Well, I don’t have any great gift to express… but I’ll offer a confortable friendship to support in your every journeys ^_^.

Anche se avevo l’esperienza con una gran schiffezza a farmi un casino quest’anno…. Hihiihihihi…… Great people are still involved in my support system…
Connect soon...


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